13:15 I should put some music on. Its so quiet in here – strangely so… Woke up late and I’m just making my way towards the kettle right now. Its time for the whole lyrics to Angels In Drag. This song has been described as ‘reading an epic book from cover to cover in five minutes’ – I love that description!! Hope you enjoy it… I’ll put the mp3 up soon.

“Go sailing to see what you find in the unchartered seas of your mind. Its so easy to stay in the harbour but storms have a pleasure divine. Take a map of the stars in your sky, take heart, take a capful of rum, then unleash your ship, make friends with the ocean, and surely adventure will come…”

I suspect you know what I mean – how we sit in our souls, lamenting and dreaming of liberty when all the while freedom is inside us trying to get out.

We are dancers tied to the wall, we are teachers learning to write. We are angels dressed up in drag, devils shining in white.

Under cover of night you voyaged before, to every port, every shore, every corner of life. You’ve got it all in a book – I promised you I would take a look… You’ve got one million photos composed perfectly, your beautiful flat paper memories. I bet you can’t remember the taste of the air… put down that camera and breathe…

We are dancers tied to the wall, we are teachers learning to write. We are angels dressed up in drag, devils shining in white.

Let your passion be your sails with reason at the helm. Let your compass be your dreams, but let your north star be love… let your north star be love.

We are dancers, painters, sailors, angels in drag… we’re geniuses and we’re terrified to teach.
We’re dancers that don’t want to move, painters – don’t want to use our colours, sailors sitting on the beach.

We are dancers tied to the wall, we are teachers learning to write. We are angels dressed up in drag, devils shining in white. Its time to let the dancers go to the ball, let the teachers stand up and fight… Let the angels dress up the devils in drag, its Saturday night…

21:49 Sitting with a glass of Peterson’s dessert wine in hand listening to Led Zeppelin live at Madison Square Garden, 12th February 1975 – a bootleg I picked up in a fantastic little shop in Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong. Keith Duffy (the bass player for The Corrs and all round lovely chap) took me there on a quest for some good ‘Zep. When I asked the owner if he had any, he just laughed and pointed to a long shelf just in front of me. Everything on it was Led Zeppelin. He told me this one is the best of the lot, and it is absolutely awesome, it has to be said. MASSIVE!!