Just got this from the USA:

“Great sound to Place Your Bets. It received good reviews by the staff of the NWF Southeast Natural Resource Center today in Atlanta.”

Jake Scott, Education Co-ordinator, National Wildlife Federation.

Bollocks to FHM, Q, all those pants magazines. THIS is the kind of review I want. Spurred on by the success of Part I, here’s Part II! Just playlist them back to back in your mp3 player and enjoy… might be a little glitchy, but hey… and here are the lyrics too:

Stone cold sober in the doctor’s chair – something’s up – I’m sure I shouldn’t be there. I sniff the gas and get ready to run when the clock strikes one… Trip-switch gone, all the lights are down and I’m swimming around in a blacked-out town. All I hear is the casino MC saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, please place your bets, ‘cos its time, time, time. Put a penny on the table when the music stops and lets laugh a while.”

I’m the paper-hat king of all I survey – the young girls smoke a cigarette path to the dancefloor (they love that funky music). I’m taking my orders from no-man’s-land, whistling Dixie with a game in hand. Did everybody bring their dice? Well, that’s nice.

“Place your bets, ‘cos its time, time, time. Put a penny on the table when the music stops and lets laugh a while.”
Its twilight bells for the chosen few, flipping up a jack for a 22 – the MC’s booked his holiday! He’s starting to sing with a Singapore Sling in the glove compartment and a list of things to do before the final call of “Ladies and Gentlemen I love you all!!”

“Place your bets, ‘cos its time, time, time. Put a penny on the table when the music stops and lets laugh a while.”

If I had written this song while under the influence of LSD I would understand where it came from. But I swear to you, I wrote it in the bath at my mum’s house in the summer of 1997, straight as can be. Interpretations on a postcard please. Just enjoy it.

Still having major problems with the phone/ADSL.

Thanx for all the continued OneLine Messages… glad you’re enjoying this stuff… I’m off down to sunbathe on the rocks, go for a snorkel and practice some guitar