1:38am – Agassi vs. Philippoussis at Wimbledon… 1 set all, 1 game all. Its making me miss London a little bit – just that time of year when planes flying overhead have THAT certain sound, when the sun has a tone to it, the park flooded with people, smiles abound… There’s no better city in the world when the weather is good. Sydney is strange from that point of view – its nearly always sunny, so THAT becomes your starting point, from which any drop in conditions brings on a mild melancholia. The exact reverse of the UK, or particularly Northern Ireland, where people just go bonkers when the clouds move away. We all behaved like lunatics in that long hot summer of ’95, and I’ll never forget it.

Its been a shambling sort of day, not much to report on the creative front, except for extreme wedding website preparation stuff, including a ‘PRESENT MACHINE’ to help floundering guests pick sexy things for us. There’s some great Flash code in it, so once the event is over I’ll post the ActionScript and URLs for the anal amongst you.

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